A substitute charter ordinance relating to separation benefits from the employes’ retirement system.
36-05-6-a am
Current charter provisions provide that a member enrolled after December 31, 1970, who separates from service may withdraw his or her accumulated contributions if the member has completed 8 years of creditable service. This charter ordinance changes the provision to allow a member who separates from service as a general city employe to withdraw his or her accumulated contributions after completing 4 rather than 8 years of creditable service. The current provision does not apply to a policeman enrolled after June 30, 1983, or a fireman enrolled after October 31, 1983. This charter amendment does not apply to a policeman enrolled between December 31, 1970, and June 30, 1983, or a fireman enrolled between December 31, 1970, and October 31, 1983.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 36-05-6-a of the city charter is amended to read:
36-05. Benefits.
6. SEPARATION BENEFITS. a-1. Return of Accumulated Contribution. Should a member cease to be an employe except by death or retirement under the provisions of this act, he or she shall be paid his or her accumulated contributions as they were at date of separation from service, upon filing with the board a request for such return of contributions on a form provided by the board for that purpose, except that this provision will not apply to a member enrolled after December 31, 1970, until he or she has completed 8 years of creditable service >>or 4 years of creditable service if the member separates from service as a general city employe<<, and will not apply to a policeman enrolled after June 30, 1983, or a fireman or paramedic enrolled after October 31, 1983, unless he or she has completed 10 years of creditable service. However, wit...
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