071038, 101002, 110086, 110087
Substitute resolution relating to a settlement in the matter of Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin, et al. v. City of Milwaukee v. D. Wilson Consulting Group LLC, et al.
This resolution authorizes the City Attorney to execute an agreement settling and releasing claims brought in the litigation titled, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin, et al. v. City of Milwaukee v. D. Wilson Consulting Group LLC, et al.
The proposed settlement will result in payment to the City of $175,000 by third-party defendants, and a release of liability for fees and costs of claimant’s attorneys.
The settlement agreement provides for continued suspension of enforcement of ss. 370-15-1-a and b and 370-21-1 and 2 which established participation goals for woman and minority businesses contracting with City departments, and requires that these provisions be repealed within a reasonable time following execution of the settlement agreement.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee commissioned a study by Mason Tillman Associates, resulting in a report entitled "Study to Determine the Effectiveness of the City's Emerging Business Enterprise Program," dated August 2007, which found indications that emerging business enterprises in certain types of contracts may have been underutilized relative to their availability by City departments; and
Whereas, Upon recommendation of Mason Tillman Associates, funds were appropriated by resolutions beginning with the adoption of File Number 071038, to support the conduct of a formal disparity study; and
Whereas, A disparity study (study) was conducted by D. Wilson Consulting Group, LLC (Wilson), D. Wilson Consulting Group, LLC (Wilson) under contract with the City (Contract No. B0000008430, executed on or about January 16, 2009), summarized in a report authored by Wilson titled “Disparity Study for the City of Milwaukee” and da...
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