Resolution to authorize tunnel abandonment concerning the tunnel under the Canadian Pacific Rail right-of-way between the Century City site and the DPW Field Headquarters, in the 7th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes abandonment of a tunnel under the Canadian Pacific Rail right-of-way between the Century City site and DPW Field Headquarters.
Whereas, The Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”) owns Lot 3, CSM No. 8363, with an address of 2725 West Hopkins Street, Milwaukee, TIN 269-0443-000 (the “RACM Land”); and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee (“City”) owns the parcel with an address of 3700 North 35th Street, Milwaukee, TIN 269-0432-000 (the “City Land”); and
Whereas, The Soo Line Railroad Company (d/b/a Canadian Pacific) (“CP”) owns the right-of-way and track (the “Track”) between the RACM Land and City Land; and
Whereas, There is a tunnel (“Tunnel”) that goes under the Track connecting on one end to the RACM Land and on the other end to the City Land that was constructed and that exists pursuant to a July 29, 1959 Agreement between the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company (the “Milwaukee Road”) and the A.O. Smith Corporation (“AOS”), AOS built the Tunnel; and
Whereas, CP is successor in interest to the Milwaukee Road regarding the Track, and the City (on the west side of the Track) and RACM (on the east side of the Track) are the successors in interest to AOS regarding the lands lying on either side of the Track; and
Whereas, The Tunnel is no longer used and there is a desire to abandon the Tunnel; and
Whereas, The Department of Public Works (“DPW”) and RACM will share the Tunnel abandonment costs, and $25,000 will come from the Outlying Facilities Program; and
Whereas, This item was heard and authorized by the RACM Board on May 16, 2013; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milw...
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