051269, 090688, 120886
Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to install fiber and provide network connectivity at the expense of and for the use and benefit of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to install fiber and provide network connectivity at the expense of and for the use and benefit of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. This will provide the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation offices at the Milwaukee Water Council Accelerator Center (to be located at 223 W. Pittsburgh Avenue (also known as Freshwater Way)) connectivity to the WiscNet/BOREAS-Net Abilene/Internet2 education community node located at the at the ITMD-NOC (Network Operations Center).
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee wishes to promote economic development, business growth and job creation in the community; and
Whereas, The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation is the state’s lead economic development organization, nurturing business growth and job creation in Wisconsin by providing resources, technical support and financial assistance to companies, partners and the communities they serve; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee has established the Reed Street Yards Tax Incremental District to promote an urban Water Research and Technology Park in accordance with Common Council Resolution File Number 090688, adopted on November 3, 2011; and
Whereas, The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation has requested the assistance of the City of Milwaukee in obtaining high-speed network connectivity between its new offices at the Milwaukee Water Council Accelerator Center and its primary campus and to the Internet through WiscNet at its expense; and
Whereas, WiscNet is a not-for-profit association established to further education, research, economic development and public service in Wisconsin by crea...
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