A substitute ordinance relating to information to be provided on applications for city licenses.
85-12 cr
The ordinance creates standard requirements for information to be provided on applications for city licenses, including licenses for which the applicants are individuals and licenses for which the applicants are not individuals (i.e., corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, etc.). These standard requirements would apply to any license type for which specific application requirements are not set forth in the code.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 85-12 of the code is created to read:
85-12. Contents of Application. 1. WHEN APPLICANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL. The license application, which shall be signed and certified by the applicant, shall contain the following information:
a. The type of license being applied for.
b. Name, permanent home address and telephone number of the applicant.
c. The date of birth of the applicant.
d. If applicable, the name and address of the business with which the license will be associated or at which the licensee will be employed.
e. Such other reasonable and pertinent information as the common council or licensing committee may from time to time require.
2. WHEN APPLICANT IS NOT AN INDIVIDUAL AND BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION IS NOT REQUIRED. An application for a new license shall be signed and certified by a majority of the owners of the business entity. A renewal application shall be signed and certified by at least one owner. Each type of application shall contain the following information:
a. The type of license being applied for.
b. The name and permanent address of the applicant.
c. If applicable, the name and address of the premises for which the license is to be granted.
d. If the applicant is a corporation, limited liabili...
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