Substitute resolution relating to the City of Milwaukee’s opposition to any increase in the size and weight limits for trucks on federal highways.
This resolution expresses the City of Milwaukee’s opposition to any increase in the size and weight limits for trucks on federal highways.
Whereas, The U.S. Department of Transportation completed work on a Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Limits Study (Study) and submitted a final report to Congress in April, 2016; and
Whereas, The Study found that increasing the size and weight limits for trucks would create the need for additional funding for bridge infrastructure; and
Whereas, The Study found that one out of 3 scenarios for heavier single semi-trailer trucks and all of the scenarios for longer combination trucks resulted in higher pavement life-cycle costs; and
Whereas, The Study found that vehicle configurations weighing over 80,000 pounds had 18% more brake violations and a higher number of violations per inspection than vehicles weighing less than 80,000 pounds; and
Whereas, In 2019, a coalition of more than 1,000 government leaders, including mayors, county engineers, and public works directors, sent a letter to ranking members of transportation committees in the U.S. Congress requesting policy makers to oppose any increase in truck size or weight; and
Federal law directly governs trucking activity on the National Network and indirectly influences a substantial amount of total trucking activity on local roads and bridges; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee has demonstrated its commitment to fostering a livable city by approving a Complete Streets policy which will improve access to neighborhoods, prioritize the safety and health of residents and visitors, support economic growth, improve access to education and jobs, enhance urban design, encourage physical activity, and reduce negative environm...
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