Resolution reserving $300,000 in the 2007 Common Council Contingent Fund for expansion of a school security initiative program to provide City of Milwaukee police services to Milwaukee Public Schools.
This resolution reserves $300,000 within the 2007 Common Council Contingent Fund (Account Number 0001 9990 C001 006300) for purposes related to expansion of a school security initiative program to provide City of Milwaukee police services to Milwaukee Public Schools. The Mayor has been pursuing a school security initiative with the Police Chief and the Superintendent of Schools, with the intent that a pilot program will be launched in January, 2007, under a cost sharing agreement between the City and MPS. No expenditure may be made from the $300,000 so reserved without Common Council approval.
Whereas, Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) adopted a 2007 operating budget that includes $1 million for school safety and school- based student and family services; and
Whereas, The School Board acted after the Mayor of the City of Milwaukee submitted his 2007 Proposed City Budget to the Common Council, and well into the Council’s budget review process; and
Whereas, The Mayor has been pursuing a school security initiative with the Police Chief and the Superintendent of Schools, with the intent that a pilot program will be launched in January, 2007, under a cost sharing agreement between the City and MPS; and
Whereas, The pilot program would involve police officers patrolling a specific cluster of schools, as well as having officers work directly with school personnel; and
Whereas, If the pilot program proves successful at controlling and reducing school violence, it may be desirable for the City to provide additional funding to expand the school security initiative in the 2007-2008 school year; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that ...
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