Resolution authorizing the sale of the City-owned tax deed property at 5008-14 and 5016 West Center Street, in the 7th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes the sale of City-owned Development Property according to the conditions in a Land Disposition Report pursuant to Section 304-49-5 and 304-49-8, Milwaukee Code of Ordinances.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee (“City”) acquired 5008-14 and 5016 West Center Street (the “Properties”), through property tax foreclosure on December 18, 2017; and
Whereas, The Department of City Development (“DCD”) advertised the Properties for sale on its website and through MLS; and
Whereas, DCD accepted offers on a continuous basis until an acceptable offer was received and DCD recommends sale to 3706 Property Investments, LLC (the “Buyer”), or its assignee, to acquire and redevelop the Property as summarized in a Land Disposition Report (“LDR”) and a Due Diligence Checklist (“DDC”), copies of which are attached to this Common Council File; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the LDR and DDC are approved and that DCD is authorized to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement (“PASA”) with the Buyer, or assignee, materially consistent with the LDR and then convey the property to the Buyer, or assignee, in accordance therewith; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of DCD, or designee, is authorized to sign the PASA, deed and requisite closing documents and to close the transaction and to take such actions as may be needed to effectuate the terms of the LDR and this resolution; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the sale proceeds, less sale and marketing expenses and a 30 percent disposition cost reimbursement to the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee, shall be credited to the Delinquent Tax Fund.