Resolution opposing local policies that encourage discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity and calling on the federal government to enact and enforce uniform and effective immigration policies.
This resolution urges opposition to piecemeal local immigration policies and practices that create a risk of racial and ethnic profiling and the deprivation of civil and human rights. The resolution further calls upon the federal government to enact uniform immigration policies that are transparent, humane, efficient, and which lead to a peaceful and productive nation.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee has been built upon the contributions of immigrants from countries and regions throughout the world, contributing to a vibrant and diverse culture; and
Whereas, The Congress of the United States has considered and debated reforms of the immigration system over several years without resolution; and
Whereas, The United States Supreme Court has held in the case of Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong, 426 U.S. 88 (1976), that Article I, Section 8, of the United States Constitution confers upon Congress the power to legislate immigration law and set immigration policy; and
Whereas, State and local governments have attempted to address issues of undocumented aliens and unlawful immigration in a variety of ways, most recently resulting in the controversial passage of legislation in the State of Arizona known as Senate Bill 1070: and
Whereas, Legislation such as Arizona’s S.B. 1070 confers federal immigration enforcement powers upon state and local law enforcement agencies without providing additional resources resulting in reduced capacity to meet local law enforcement needs; and
Whereas, Immigration and naturalization policies and enforcement practices that vary from one local jurisdiction to the next result in uncertainty and unnecessary confusion and in fear of local authorities by citi...
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