A substitute ordinance relating to the leaving of ignition keys in parked motor vehicles.
101-30 am
101-34-2-b am
101-34-2-k rn
101-34-2-k cr
101-34-2-L rn
101-34-7-b am
101-34-7-k rn
101-34-7-k cr
101-34-7-L rn
101-34-7-m rn
The code currently prohibits a person from leaving his or her motor vehicle unattended on a street or alley, or in any other public place, unless the starting lever, throttle, steering apparatus, gear shift, brake system or ignition of the vehicle is locked and the key for the lock is removed from the vehicle. This ordinance applies this prohibition to a motor vehicle parked in a driveway, parking lot, parking slab or other outdoor location on private property, as well.
This ordinance also increases the citation for a violation of this prohibition from $22 to $75, and the general penalty for violation of this prohibition from a range of $22-$60 to a range of $75-$105.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 101-30 of the code is amended to read:
101-30. Leaving of Ignition Keys in a Parked [[Auto]] >>Motor Vehicle<< . 1. LOCK REQUIRED. Every [[passenger]] motor vehicle >>,<< except a common carrier of passengers [[is required to]] >>, shall<< be equipped with a lock suitable to lock [[either]] the starting lever, throttle, steering apparatus, gear shift lever, brake system or ignition system.
2. [[ON PUBLIC STREET]] >>KEY IN UNATTENDED, UNLOCKED VEHICLE PROHIBITED<< . No person may permit a motor vehicle in his >>or her<< custody to stand or remain unattended on any street [[,]] >>or<< alley or in any other public place >>or in any driveway, parking lot, parking slab or other outdoor location on private property<< , except an attended parking area, unless [[either]] the starting lever, throttle, steering apparatus, gear shift, brake system or ignition of said vehicle is loc...
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