An ordinance establishing a pedestrian mall to be known as “Arena Connector Pedestrian Mall” in the east-west alley and a portion of the north-south alley in the block bounded by West Highland Avenue, West Juneau Avenue, North Old World Third Street and North 4th Street Pedestrian Mall, in the 4th aldermanic district.
This ordinance establishes a pedestrian mall in the east-west alley and a portion of the north-south alley in the block bounded by West Highland Avenue, West Juneau Avenue, North Old World Third Street and North 4th Street Pedestrian Mall and, pursuant to Section 62.71(4) of the Wisconsin Statutes, the Common Council finds:
1. That the proposed pedestrian mall will be located primarily in a business district;
2. That there exist reasonably convenient alternate routes for private vehicles to traverse around the proposed pedestrian mall;
3. That unlimited use by private vehicles of the proposed pedestrian mall would endanger pedestrian safety;
4. That properties abutting the proposed pedestrian mall can be reasonably and adequately provided with emergency vehicle services and delivery and receiving of merchandise or materials from other streets;
5. That it is in the public interest to use the proposed pedestrian mall for pedestrian purposes; and
6. That there is no need for preparation of preliminary plans, acquisition of land or use of public funds to improve the proposed pedestrian mall as all plans and improvements will be completed and paid for by a private entity following review and recommendation by the City Plan Commission and upon approval of plans for such improvements by the Common Council.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 113-22 of the Milwaukee Code is created to read:
113-22. Arena Connector Pedestrian Mall.
1. CREATED. In accordance with Sections 66.0905 and 62.71,...
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