100007, 100769, 121139, 121591, 130576
Resolution amending the Community Workforce Agreement as part of the Milwaukee Energy Efficiency program and the Property Assessed Clean Energy financing program.
As part of the Milwaukee Energy Efficiency (ME2) program, the City of Milwaukee had implemented a Community Workforce Agreement to ensure that the job creation from the program benefited Milwaukee residents and created family-supporting jobs. This resolution revises the agreement to place the compliance responsibility in the Department of Administration and ensures that the labor standards do not adversely impact the adoption of energy efficiency building improvements.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee had been awarded grant funds from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to finance building energy retrofits; and
Whereas, On July 27, 2010, The Common Council adopted Resolution File Number 100007, authorizing the Department of Administration - Office of Environmental Sustainability to enter into a cooperation agreement with the Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation (WECC) to implement the ME2 program; and
Whereas, That cooperation agreement included a Community Workforce Agreement to ensure that the jobs created by Me2 were family supporting jobs that benefited Milwaukee residents; and
Whereas, The Common Council through resolution 121139 established the Milwaukee Promise, as an ongoing program to address poverty, disparity and inequality in the City of Milwaukee, and this CWA reflects the goals of the Milwaukee Promise
Whereas, The Council file 121591 established a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing program to stimulate the market for energy efficiency upgrades; and
Whereas, The Common Council, through resolution 130576 authorized the Department of Administration to negotiate and enter into an amended cooperation agreement with the Wisconsin Energy Conse...
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