Substitute 1
Substitute resolution determining it necessary to make various nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $6,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $15,000; and, authorizing the City Comptroller to transfer funds to various State or Federal Aid project subaccounts for the estimated remaining Wisconsin Department of Transportation and City of Milwaukee preliminary engineering cost totaling $15,000 with the City share being $15,000.
This resolution authorizes engineering studies on projects which by City Charter are nonassessable. After design plans and estimates of costs have been prepared, a resolution authorizing construction will be submitted to the Common Council. The City cost for engineering these projects is estimated to be $6,000 with the total cost estimated to be $15,000; and, authorizes the City Comptroller to transfer funds to the previously established subaccounts for the remaining Wisconsin Department of Transportation and City of Milwaukee preliminary engineering cost $15,000 with the City of Milwaukee’s share being $15,000.
Whereas, The Common Council has previously adopted resolutions authorizing the City Comptroller to transfer funds to various State and/or Federal Aid project subaccounts for preliminary engineering; and
Whereas, Additional funds are, therefore, necessary for the estimated remaining Wisconsin Department of Transportation and City of Milwaukee preliminary engineering costs for the projects; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to transfer funds to the project grant chartfields as follows:
4th Aldermanic District
Summerfest Parking Management System - Phase 1 (ST32002201) (2984-21-00):
City Share Non-Assessable Fund Paving (ST3...
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