Resolution declaring the vacant, tax-deed lot located at 3101-03 North 13th Street surplus and accepting an unsolicited Offer to Purchase from Emma G. Smith for new residential construction, in the 10th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)
This resolution will result in the sale of a vacant, tax-deed lot for new residential construction.
Whereas, Emma G. Smith has offered to purchase the vacant, tax-deed lot located at 3101-03 North 13th Street, Tax Key No. 284-0517-100-9, for $1.00 for construction of an owner-occupied, single-family home; and
Whereas, The laterals to said lot are outdated and must be replaced to accommodate new construction and the replacement is costly; and
Whereas, The Department of City Development has reduced the sales price to partially compensate Ms. Smith for the cost of new laterals and make her home construction financially feasible; and
Whereas, The Department of City Development recommends acceptance of the Offer contingent upon site and building plan approval by the Department's Planning Division, along with a financial commitment in place to complete the construction; and
Whereas, Said lot is being sold "as is" and the City of Milwaukee makes no representations or warranties regarding said lot including but not limited to soil and subsoil condition; and
Whereas, The City Plan Commission has approved the acceptance of said Offer, the sale of said lot to be consummated in the manner provided for in the sale of other tax-deed lots pursuant to Section 304-49 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that said lot is declared surplus, that said Offer is accepted, that the proper City officials are authorized and directed to perform such acts as necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution, and that the proceeds from the sale be credit...
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