11/11/2024 | 0 |
Minutes note: Mr. Leichtling presented and recommended approval.
Vincent Noth, Kinship
Lyssa Olker, HGA
Scott Simon, Traveaux
This zoning change was requested by the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM), and will help to facilitate the sale and development of the subject site, which is currently zoned residential. The vacant site is proposed to be developed by Kinship Community Food Center into a new social service facility that will provide services including a food pantry, community meal program, crisis assistance and mentoring, education and engagement, and employment readiness and training.
Public testimony in opposition:
Dr. Nitumigaabow Champagne, resident
Monica Champagne, resident
Dr. Champagne and Ms. Champagne were concerned with the proposed development negatively impacting existing greenspace in Harambee, increasing traffic, impacting their property values, and lacking adequate community engagement. They asked to keep the current zoning of RM7.
Mr. Leichtling said that Ald. Coggs did not indicate a formal position on the matter.
Commissioner Washington moved approval conditionally, seconded by commissioner Smith. (Prevailed 7-0)
Continued dialogue with adjacent neighbors and consideration of that input in submission of a final landscape plan to the Board of Zoning Appeals as part of the Special Use review process.
| Pass | 7:0 |
Action details
Meeting details