Resolution relative to the cost participation under The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program for the installation of bicycle lanes by City forces throughout the City of Milwaukee, at an estimated cost of $480,000, with an estimated grantor share of $384,000 and an estimated City share of $96,000.
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works and Comptroller to enter into a funding agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) under the (CMAQ) program for the installation of bicycle lanes by City forces throughout the City of Milwaukee. This resolution also authorizes the Department of Public Works to purchase a new pavement marking machine using funds to be transferred from the Division’s Major Streets Capital Improvement account to the 2009 Major Capital Equipment - Fleet Account. This new pavement marking machine is necessary to allow City forces to undertake the bicycle lane installation using the CMAQ funds. The total estimated cost is $480,000, with the grantor share being $384,000 and the City share being $96,000 for the painting and $220,000 for the pavement marking machine.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee adopted resolution file number 060346 on July 12, 2006, which authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to execute the Project Agreement for the The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) project known as Bicycle Lane Delineation; and
Whereas, It has been determined that it is much more cost effective for City forces to install pavement markings, compared to competitively bid costs; and
Whereas, In order for City forces to undertake the bicycle lane installations, a new pavement marking machine must be purchased; and
Whereas, Major Street Improvement funds are available to purchase a new pavement marking machine that would be used for this grant, a second CMAQ grant, and for the maint...
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