Resolution approving the boundaries and authorizing and directing the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee to prepare a Redevelopment Plan for the Solvay Coke Redevelopment Project Area, in the 12th Aldermanic District. (DCD)
If adopted by two-thirds of the Common Council membership, this resolution will enable the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee to proceed with the preparation of a Redevelopment Plan for the Solvay Coke Redevelopment Project Area and subsequently to submit that Plan to the Common Council for consideration and approval in accordance with the required procedures and provisions set forth in Section 66.1333, Wisconsin Statutes.
Whereas, As a first step in the exercise of powers granted and for the acquisition and disposition of real property in a project area, Section 66.1333, Wisconsin Statutes, as amended, requires that the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee ("Authority") designate the boundaries of a proposed project area in order to ascertain the names of the owners of record of the real property within such project which are to be given official public notice and also to submit such boundaries to the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee ("Common Council") for approval and for a declaration that such area is a blighted area in need of blight elimination and a redevelopment project; and
Whereas, On April 2, 2001, the Authority designated boundaries for the proposed Solvay Coke Redevelopment Project with a recommendation for subsequent Common Council approval; and
Whereas, Section 66.1333(6)(b)1., Wisconsin Statutes, provides that the Common Council may take appropriate action to assure that any new construction or substantial remodeling of existing structures within such boundaries will not substantially prejudice the preparation and processing of a Redevelopment Plan for the proposed project ...
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