Resolution to approve the expenditure of $25,000 from the Outside Counsel-Expert Witness Fund for expert witness fees and other litigation expenses regarding the final selection procedures for entry level police officer and police aides currently pending before the United States District Court, in Civil Action No. 74-C-480. (City Attorney)
This resolution approves the expenditure of $25,000 from the Outside Counsel-Expert Witness Fund for expert witness fees and other litigation expenses regarding the final selection procedures for entry level police officer and police aides currently pending before the United States District, Civil Action No. 74-C-480. The City Attorney requires the services of expert witnesses, SHL/Landy Jacobs & Associates (now known as SHL USA, Inc.) to respond to technical data and other requests, and may be required to respond to objections from the United States Department of Justice and other interested parties at this point in the litigation.
Whereas, On February 11, 2003 the City of Milwaukee filed its notice of final selection procedures for entry level police officer and police aides in the U. S. District Court; and
Whereas, The United States Department of Justice, and other interested parties have made requests for technical and other data, and discovery, and may file objections concerning the final selection procedures; and
Whereas, The City Attorney requires the services of expert witnesses, SHL USA, Inc., to respond to such requests and objections; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the sum of $25,000 is approved for expenditure from the Outside Counsel-Expert Witness Fund, No. 0001-1490-S157-006300, for the purpose of paying expert witness fees and other litigation expenses regarding the final selection procedures for entry level police officer and police aides cu...
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