Resolution authorizing acceptance of Sewer Easement SE-2879 at 701 and 705-707 South 37th Street, in the 8th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes acceptance of Sewer Easement Agreement SE-2879 at adjoining properties with addresses 701 and 705-707 South 37th Street, in the 8th Aldermanic District. The easement will allow storm water runoff to enter onto private properties with the same owner before being treated and discharged into the City of Milwaukee storm sewer system.
Whereas, Stormwater pollution control is an important component of the City of Milwaukee’s (City) storm water management regulation and the City’s permit with the DNR; and
Whereas, Nonpoint sources such as public roads and alleys have been recognized as the primary source of environmental pollution by discharging polluted runoff directly into the storm sewer systems; and
Whereas, Green infrastructure, such as bioswales and cisterns, reduce the volume of stormwater and the amount of pollutants discharged into the storm sewer system; and
Whereas, To aid the City in its efforts to reduce said pollutants, Trans Center for Youth Inc. (TCY) desires to construct a bioswale and a cistern on its adjoined properties located at 701 South 37th Street and 705-707 South 37th Street; and
Whereas, TCY is the parent group of Escuela Verde, a charter school, that will perform maintenance activities to the green infrastructure; and
Whereas, Said green infrastructure will collect stormwater runoff from the abutting public alley and return treated runoff to the city sewer system; and
Whereas, The City has requested a Sewer Easement to allow runoff from the public alley to enter into said properties owned by TCY; and
Whereas, The green infrastructure will be constructed and maintained by TCY at no cost to the City; and
Whereas, The Trans Center for Youth Inc. is willing to grant Sewer Easement Agreement SE-2879 to ...
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