Resolution accepting an easement from Milwaukee County to permit the construction and operation of an electrical sub-station and propane storage tank on County Park lands adjacent to the Linnwood Water Purification Plant. (Infrastructure Services)
- Analysis -
The resolution accepts an easement from Milwaukee County to permit the construction and operation of an electrical sub-station and propane storage tank on County Park lands adjacent to the Linnwood Water Purification Plant.
Whereas, The 1995 Budget provided $51,000,000 in the Water Capital Improvements program for the construction of ozone disinfection facilities to improve the quality of City of Milwaukee drinking water produced at the Linnwood and Howard Avenue Purification plants; and
Whereas, A consultant's report, titled 'Preliminary Design Report for Ozonation Facilities - Howard Avenue and Linnwood Water Purification Plants" dated October, 1995, was submitted to and accepted by Common Council; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee reviewed the alternatives for the ozonation of drinking water as contained in the report relative to the construction of facilities, utilization of land, and the technical approaches; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, through the adoption of Resolution File Number 951399 on March 5, 1996, authorized and directed the Commissioner of Public Works to proceed with procurement of services for the design and construction of ozone disinfection facilities at the Linnwood Water Purification Plant consistent with recommendations made in the report; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee has awarded a contract to a Design/Build Organization (DBO) for the design and construction of Ozonation Facilities at the Linnwood and Howard Avenue Water Purification Plants; and
Whereas, Spacial constraints at the Linnwood Plant prevent the installat...
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