The Chair
Substitute resolution transmitting an evaluation and analysis of initial offers to purchase City parking structures for review and approval, authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to proceed with sale condition negotiations consistent with a cooperation agreement with the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee contained in File 000003.
This resolution transmits an evaluation and analysis of initial offers to purchase City parking structures by the Budget Office and by the City Comptroller and authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to negotiate sale conditions for four City parking structures consistent with a cooperation agreement with the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee contained in companion File 000003. Common Council approval of the final sale conditions would be required.
Whereas, File 990948, approved by the Common Council on December 17, 1999, authorized the Commissioner of Public Works to release a Request for Proposals for the sale of three City parking structures and to enter into negotiations with the current lessees of two City parking structures having rights of first refusal for the purpose of securing bids of interest for such structures; and
Whereas, The Commissioner of Public Works has received two bids for the purchase of three City Parking structures and has secured a preliminary bid of interest from the party with right of first refusal for the City parking structure located at 1000 N. Water Street; and
Whereas, The offers to purchase have been evaluated and analyzed by the Budget Office and by the City Comptroller, using the methodology described in File 990948; and
Whereas, The two analyses have been distributed to members of the Evaluation committee identified in File 990948; and
Whereas, The Commissioner of Public Works has provided evidence satisfactory to the Common C...
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