Resolution approving the Land Disposition Report and Blight Designation Summary for the properties in the vicinity of North 27th Street and West Fond du Lac Avenue for sale to CFSC Properties, LLC for commercial development in the 7th Aldermanic District. (Redevelopment Authority)
Adoption of this resolution by at least two-thirds vote of the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee will approve the blight designation and surplus declaration of a City-owned vacant lot and will permit the Redevelopment Authority to convey this and other property according to the conditions in the Land Disposition Report.
Whereas, Section 66.1333(5)(c), Wisconsin Statutes, enables the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee ("Authority") to acquire blighted property without designating a boundary or adopting a redevelopment plan after providing proper notice to the property owner, conducting a Public Hearing to determine if the property meets the statutory definition of blight and obtaining the approval of the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee ("Council"); and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee ("City") owns a vacant lot at 2539-41 West Monroe Street that is adjacent to the boundary of a redevelopment project area and is suitable for acquisition by the Authority since it can be assembled and developed with adjacent Authority-owned properties; and
Whereas, The City waived its right to the statutory notice and a Public Hearing was conducted by the Authority on November 21, 2002, after which it determined the property to be blighted within the meaning of Section 66.1333(4)(bm), Wisconsin Statutes, and requested Council approval of this blight designation and acquisition by the Authority; and
Whereas, The City Plan Commission determined that this property is surplus to municipal needs; and
Whereas, After acquisition, the Authority desires to convey this and ad...
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