The Chair
Resolution authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a revised agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) for the programming and rehabilitation of the North 35th Street Bridge over the Lincoln Creek with Federal and/or State aid under the Local Bridge Replacement Program. (Infrastructure Services Division)
This resolution authorizes and directs the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a revised project agreement with the WISDOT for the programming and rehabilitation of North 35th Street over the Lincoln Creek with Federal and/or State aid funding under the Local Bridge Replacement Program. The revised agreement will now include construction costs to be undertaken with 80 percent Federal and/or State funds. The total estimated construction cost for the project is $228,000 of which the City's share is $45,600. Construction funds will be included in a future Common Council resolution.
Whereas, A project agreement has been executed by the WISDOT and the City of Milwaukee for the preliminary engineering on the North 35th Street Bridge over the Lincoln Creek in accordance with Common Council Resolution File Number 991756, adopted on March 31, 2000; and
Whereas, Preliminary engineering activities have begun; and
Whereas, A revised project agreement, adding the construction phase of the project to the previously approved preliminary engineering funding has been received from the WISDOT to be executed by the City of Milwaukee for the North 35th Street Bridge over the Lincoln Creek with Federal and/or State aid under the Local Bridge Replacement Program; and
Whereas, The estimated cost of construction for this project is as indicated in the revised project agreement; and
Whereas, Construction funds for this project will be included in future resolution; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Commo...
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