220651, 230720, 230775, 230952, 230971, 230973, 230978, 230979, 230984, 230985
A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2023 offices and positions in the City Service.
This substitute ordinance changes the offices and positions in the following departments:
Department of Emergency Communications, Health Department (Clinical Services Division, Community Health Division; Policy, Innovation & Engagement Division), Library, Department of Neighborhood Services, Police Department, Department of Public Works (Infrastructure Services Division, Operations Division, Sewer Maintenance Fund, Water Works)
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 220651 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under “Department of Emergency Communications, delete three positions of “Emergency Communications Officer IV - Quality Assurance”, add three positions of “Emergency Communications Officer V - Quality Assurance”, delete one position of “Emergency Communications Officer IV - Training”, and add three positions of “Emergency Communications Officer V - Training”.
Under “Health Department, Clinical Services Division”, delete footnotes (D) and (BBB) in their entirety and add footnotes (PHYL) and (SRG) to read:
(PHYL) To expire 09/30/2025 unless the Covid-19 Phylodynamics grant is extended.
(SRG) To expire 07/31/2024 unless the ELC: Project S/SURRG Grant is extended.
Under “Laboratory”, delete footnote designations (D)(AA)(PP)(BBB) from and add footnote designations (SRG)(PHYL) to one position of “Laboratory Data Specialist (D)(AA)(PP)(BBB)”, delete footnote designation (PP) from and add footnote designation (SRG) to one position of “Laboratory Information Systems Specialist (PP)”, delete footnote designation (D) from and add footnote designation (SRG) to one po...
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