961346 AND 961482
Resolution to amend File Numbers 961346 and 961482 regarding the funding for paving improvements in two sections of North 22nd Street in the 7th Aldermanic District in the City of Milwaukee. (Infrastructure Services Division)
- Analysis -
This resolution will amend File Numbers 961346 and 961482 by adjusting the nonassessable funding from 1997 to future budgeted 1998 funds for the paving of North 22nd Street - West Vine Street to West Brown Street and North 22nd Street from West Brown Street to West Lloyd Street.
Whereas, On January 17, 1997, the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee adopted File Number 961346 approving the construction of assessable public improvements at various locations including the paving project in North 22nd Street from West Vine Street to West Brown Street; and
Whereas, On February 11, 1997 the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee adopted File Number 961482 approving the construction of assessable public improvements at various locations including the paving project in North 22nd Street from West Brown Street to West Lloyd Street; and
Whereas, An increase of some 1997 project limits and extent of work has created a shortage of 1997 nonassessable funds; and
Whereas, The paving of the two sections of North 22nd Streets are being delayed until 1998 for development purposes, thereby, allowing the utilization of nonassessable funds as proposed in the 1998 budget; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that File Numbers 961346 and 961482 be amended as follows: by allocating in the 1998 budget, the nonassessable Reconstruction Paving Fund (31-549-211-0001) funds for North 22nd Street from West Vine Street to West Brown Street (871-0739-4) in the amount of $56,870 and North 22nd Street from West Brown Street to West Lloyd Street (877-0889-4) in the amount of $58,275; an...
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