Resolution relating to the expenditure of funds from the Concentrated Blight Elimination capital account.
This resolution directs the Department of Neighborhood Services to expend at least $250,000 of what is appropriated for the 2021 Concentrated Blight Elimination capital program for the demolition of structures in areas with high densities of vacant properties, with preference given to fire-damaged structures. The Department of Neighborhood Services shall provide quarterly reports in 2021, with the first report no later than March 31, 2021, on demolition activity carried out under this program.
Whereas, The 2021 Budget was adopted by Common Council File Number 200001 on November 24, 2020; and
Whereas, Amendment 42 to the 2021 Budget placed a footnote in the Budget stating, “$250,000 of the 2021 appropriation must be used only for demolition in areas with high densities of vacant properties with priority given to fire-damaged structures”; and
Whereas, The presence of vacant and dilapidated structures within neighborhoods has numerous negative impacts, such as depressing nearby home values, attracting criminal behavior, and causing residents to feel unsafe; and
Whereas, Certain neighborhoods in Milwaukee have high concentrations of vacant and dilapidated structures in need of demolition; and
Whereas, Fire-damaged structures are especially destructive to neighborhoods; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Department of Neighborhood Services shall use at least $250,000 of the 2021 appropriation of the Concentrated Blight Elimination capital program for the demolition of structures in areas with high densities of vacant properties, with preference given to fire-damaged structures; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Department of Neighborhood Services shall provide quarterly reports in 2021, with the first ...
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