Substitute resolution approving engineering review and construction oversight of projects to be funded by the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) as non-assessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes, with the City share of these projects for nonparticipating items is estimated to be $635,000.
The resolution directs the engineering review and the construction oversight of said public improvements. The City share of these projects for nonparticipating items is estimated to be $635,000 with the total estimated costs of these projects in there entirety are $14,192,730 with grantor ARRA funding of $13,197,730 and a City share of $995,000.
Whereas, Monies became available under Phase 3 of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) for local paving projects with 100% construction and construction engineering funding; and
Whereas, Resolution 081603 authorized the Commissioner of Public Works to execute agreements with the WISDOT for projects funded by the ARRA; and
Whereas, The City applied for various street construction projects that were eligible for construction funding under Phase 3 of the ARRA; and
Whereas, Phase 3 of the ARRA requires an expedited submittal by December 1, 2009 for final documents and construction to be initiated in 2010; and
Whereas, To meet the eligibility requirements of ARRA, these projects are to be let to contract by the WISDOT in February 2010 and construction is to be completed thereafter; and
Whereas, The City engineering review and construction oversight and some items proposed for construction, including utility adjustments for sewer and water, are nonparticipating items to be funded 100% by the City; and
Whereas, It is in the public’s interest to design and construct with City and ARRA funding the following improvements:
1st Aldermanic District:
North Sherman Boulevard - W. S...
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