The Chair
Substitute resolution appropriating $50,000,001 from the 2025 Special Purpose Account Reimbursable Services Advance Fund.
Whereas, The 2025 city budget authorizes a specific fund under the control of the Common Council for the purpose of advance funding of reimbursable materials and services; and
Whereas, Appropriations for such purpose can be made available only after the adoption of a resolution appropriating sums out of such fund for the purposes enumerated therein; and
Whereas, In anticipation of estimated revenues to be applied to such fund, it is necessary to temporarily transfer general city funds, in accordance with Section 925-140a, Wisconsin Statutes 1919; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the sum of $50,000,000, be and hereby is, transferred from general city funds to the specific fund under the control of the Common Council for the purpose of incurring expenditures for reimbursable materials or services; and, be it
Further Resolved, That such sum is hereby appropriated to the city departments and agencies listed in Exhibit A in the amounts specified and that such departments and agencies be, and hereby are, authorized to use amounts so appropriated for the purpose of incurring expenditures for materials or services furnished for which such city departments and agencies are to be reimbursed; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Water Department, which is funded from its own revenue (earnings, both current and retained), is hereby authorized to use its available cash reserves to perform reimbursable work prior to receiving revenue in reimbursement; and, be it
Further Resolved, That each department or agency listed in Exhibit A is hereby directed to take all necessary steps to assure that expenditures of such appropriations for reimbursable services are in fact recovered through timely billing and am...
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