The President
Resolution approving Travaux, Inc. to take all actions necessary in connection with the transfer of Highland Gardens to the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee and the refinance and rehabilitation of Highland Gardens
The undersigned, Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee, a Wisconsin public body corporate and politic (the “Member” or “HACM”), being the sole member of Travaux, Inc. a Wisconsin nonstock nonprofit corporation (the “Corporation”) does hereby approve, authorize, adopt, consent to, and confirm the following actions, as hereinafter written:
WHEREAS, the Corporation is a substitute investor member of Highland Park Community, LLC, a Wisconsin limited liability company (the “Company”);
WHEREAS, the Highland Park Development, LLC (“HPD”) is the manager of the Company;
WHEREAS, HACM is the manager of the HPD;
WHEREAS, the Company currently owns Highland Gardens a 114-unit residential housing development with other ancillary improvements (the “Project”),
Whereas, the Project is subject to that certain RAD Use Agreement dated April 16, 2018 (the “RAD Use Agreement”) that was entered into by and among the Company, HACM, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”);
WHEREAS, the Project is subject to a RAD Project Based Voucher Housing Assistance Payment contract (the “RAD HAP”) and a Project-Based Voucher Housing Assistance contract (“PBV HAP” and together with RAD HAP, the “HAP Contracts”), dated June 1, 2018;
WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution R13432, HACM, authorized, among other things, the refinancing and rehabilitation of the Project and the formation of a new entity to acquire, own, manage and operate the Project;
WHEREAS, in furtherance of the Project and pursuant to Articles of Organization, filed on July 11, 2023, with the State of Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions; Highland Gardens LLC, a Wisconsin limit...
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