060300, 070208
A substitute ordinance relating to automatic changeable message signs.
295-407-3-b am
On December 12, 2006, the Common Council passed Common Council File 060300, which established a special study sign to assess the future applicability of a 6-second signage regulation for off-premise signs which do not primarily face the freeway. The study involves the off-premise sign at the southeast corner of Oakland and North Avenues, in the 3rd aldermanic district, and provides for the sign to change not more frequently than once every 6 seconds, and for a period not longer than 6 months following passage and publication of the ordinance.
Common Council File 070208 was passed June 19, 2007, which extended the expiration date of the study sign by one month to provide the Department of Public Works sufficient time to study the impacts of this sign and prepare its findings and report.
This ordinance further extends the expiration date of the study sign to November 15, 2007, so that the Department of Public Works may have more time to collect accident frequency data, and so the Common Council may have adequate time to review the Department of Public Works’ recommendations relating to the study sign.
Whereas, On December 12, 2006, the Common Council passed Common Council File 060300, an ordinance relating to automatic changeable message signs; and
Whereas, File 060300 established a special study sign located on the southeast corner of Oakland and North Avenues for purposes of assessing the impacts that changeable off-premise signs which do not primarily face the freeway have on public safety and welfare; and
Whereas, File 070208 extended the expiration date of this study sign to August 4, 2007, and the Department of Public Works has submitted its findings and report, but the Common Council does not have adequate time to review the recommendation...
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