Resolution designating the Bungalow Style Firehouses at 2901 North 30th Street, 1615 West Oklahoma Avenue and 407 North Hawley Road as Historic Structures. (Historic Preservation Commission)
This resolution designates the Bungalow Style Firehouses at 2901 North 30th Street, 1615 West Oklahoma Avenue and 407 North Hawley Road as Historic Structures.
Whereas, The Milwaukee Historic Preservation Ordinance, Section 308-81 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances, as amended, provides that Historic Sites, Structures and Districts may be designated by the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee upon the recommendation of the Historic Preservation Commission; and
Whereas, The Historic Preservation Commission recommends that the Bungalow Style Firehouses at 2901 North 30th Street, 1615 West Oklahoma Avenue and 407 North Hawley Road be designated as Historic Structures; and
Whereas, These structures possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association and fulfill the following criterion set forth in Section 308-81(2)(e):
e-1. Its exemplification of the development of the cultural, economic, social or historic heritage of the City of Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin or of the United States.
e-5. Its embodiment of the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type or specimen.
e-6. Its identification as the work of an artist, architect, interior designer, craftsperson or master builder whose individual works have influenced the development of the City of Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin or of the United States.
e-9. Its unique location as a singular physical characteristic which represent an established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood, community or the City of Milwaukee.
; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the Bungalow Style Firehouses at 2901 North 30th...
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