Substitute resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to install a new traffic control signal at the intersection of West Wells Street and North 13th Street in the 4th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to direct the installation of a new traffic control signal at the intersection of West Wells Street and North 13th Street. The resolution also establishes the funding for the installation of the traffic control signal.
Whereas, West Wells Street in the vicinity of North 13th Street has seen an increase in traffic due to the Marquette Interchange reconstruction project; and
Whereas, Due to the proximity of a Marquette University parking structure north of West Wells Street, there are high pedestrian volumes at the intersection of West Wells Street and North 13th Street; and
Whereas It is determined that a traffic signal will provide necessary accommodations for both the high vehicle volumes and high pedestrians volumes; and
Whereas, The total estimated cost of the signal installations is $45,000; and
Whereas, Fifty percent, or $22,500, of the total cost will be paid by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, twenty-five percent, or $11,250 will be paid by Marquette University and twenty-five percent, or $11,250 is included in the Division's Capital Improvement Fund Project/Grant Number ST220060000; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized to accept $22,500 from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and $11,250 from Marquette University for the installation of a new traffic control signal at the intersection of West Wells Street and North 13th Street; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and hereby is authorized to direct the installation of a new traffic control ...
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