Resolution adopting ReFresh Milwaukee: City of Milwaukee Sustainability Plan 2013-2023 as the City’s first sustainability plan and directing its implementation.
This resolution adopts ReFresh Milwaukee as the City’s first sustainability plan and as such, requests that City departments, where relevant, begin aligning their activities to ReFresh Milwaukee goals. Further, the resolution authorizes the Department of Administration-Office of Environmental Sustainability to work with City departments and relevant community organizations to identify responsible parties to implement the goals and targets of the ReFresh Milwaukee sustainability plan.
Whereas, The original Milwaukee Green Team published The Milwaukee Green Team’s Report to Mayor Tom Barrett in October, 2005; and
Whereas, The Green Team Report developed a set of recommendations on ways the City could improve on energy conservation and stormwater management; and
Whereas, The City has implemented nearly 90% of the recommendations from the 2005 Green Team Report; and
Whereas, Mayor Barrett appointed a new Green Team in 2012 to work with citizens and the business community to develop a strategic sustainability plan for Milwaukee; and
Whereas, Nearly 1,500 citizens and 100 businesses and other organizations provided direct input and goal-setting for ReFresh Milwaukee: City of Milwaukee Sustainability Plan 2013-2023; and
Whereas, The Environmental Sustainability Director, who also chaired the Mayor’s Green Team, met quarterly with the Common Council members, and the Community and Economic Development Committee to obtain feedback and direction from Council members during the sustainability planning process; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that ReFresh Milwaukee: City of Milwaukee Sustainability Plan 2013-2023 is adopted as the City’s first sustainabil...
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