Resolution authorizing City execution of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the City of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for the purposes of delegating responsibilities for the design phase of the North 30th Street Corridor Phase 2 Stormwater West Basin project.
This resolution authorizes City execution of an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the City of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for the purposes of delegating responsibilities for the design phase of the North 30th Street Corridor Phase 2 Stormwater West Basin project, in the 1st and 7th Aldermanic Districts, in an area around North 35th St between West Capitol Drive and West Congress Avenue and in West Capitol Drive between North 31st Street and North 35th Street.
Whereas, Flooding has been reoccurring in the area around North 30th Street Corridor between West Townsend Street and West Hampton Avenue located within the Lincoln Creek watershed; and
Whereas, The July 2010 rain event caused damages exceeding $32 million and in extreme wet weather events, such flood damages are likely to continue to occur without improvements to the Milwaukee Metropolitan District‘s (District) and City of Milwaukee’s (City) infrastructure serving the North 30th Street Corridor; and
Whereas, The District has been making substantial investments to reduce the risk of flooding along Lincoln Creek north of the North 30th Street Corridor; and
Whereas, As a result of the area’s topography, historical development patterns, and the limited capacity of existing infrastructure, flooding continues to occur in areas within the Lincoln Creek watershed, but outside of the Lincoln Creek floodplain; and
Whereas, When reducing flooding in the areas outside of the Lincoln Creek floodplain, stormwater needs to be managed to prevent increasing flooding along Lincoln Creek; and
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