Resolution authorizing expenditures from the Neighborhood Commercial District Street Improvement Fund for streetscape improvements, in conjunction with Business Improvement District No. 19, on West Villard Avenue from North 29th Street to North 42nd Street. (DCD)
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This resolution authorizes the transfer of $237,500 from the Neighborhood Commercial District Street Improvement Fund for streetscaping activities associated with the recently approved Business Improvement District No. 19.
Whereas, The 1998 Capital Budget for the City of Milwaukee provides for the Neighborhood Commercial District Street Improvement Fund; and
Whereas, The purpose of this Capital account is to pay for streetscape improvements such as pedestrian lighting and other public way improvements along commercial streets; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee has adopted File No. 921480 which establishes guidelines for use of the Neighborhood Commercial District Street Improvement Fund; and
Whereas, The proposed project area meets these guidelines; and
Whereas, West Villard Avenue property owners have proposed creation of a Business Improvement District to raise private funds to be used in conjunction with the City's Neighborhood Commercial District Street Improvement Funds; and
Whereas, Said Business Improvement District No. 19 has been approved by the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, The private funds will equal or exceed the amount of City funds for this project; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $237,500 from the Neighborhood Commercial District Street Improvement Fund to the appropriate borrowing account and expenditure accounts following the City Attorney's determination as to the taxabili...
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