Resolution authorizing an expenditure from the Development Fund for public transit improvements along Canal Street in the Menomonee Valley, in the 8th and 12th Aldermanic Districts.
This resolution authorizes an expenditure of $114,000 from the Development Fund to provide one-third of the local match for a Federal Job Access Reverse Commute program grant applied for by the Milwaukee County Transit System (“MCTS”) to improve transit accessibility on Canal Street in the Menomonee Valley. The City of Milwaukee will provide one-third of the local match to MCTS for a maximum of $38,000 per year for three years.
Whereas, The rapidly developing Menomonee Valley, with more than 10,000 jobs and more than 500 moving in this year, is the largest brownfield redevelopment project in the State of Wisconsin; and
Whereas, This redevelopment project area is not currently served by a public transit line; and
Whereas, The Milwaukee County Transit System (“MCTS”) applied for a Federal Job Access Reverse Commute (“JARC”) program grant to extend bus service along Canal Street in the Valley; and
Whereas, The JARC grant requires a local match; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee (“City”) has an ongoing commitment to job creation and retention and, therefore, wishes to provide one-third of the grant’s required local match from the Development Fund for an overall expenditure of $114,000, which will be contributed at a maximum amount of $38,000 a year for three years; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to transfer the amount of $114,000 from the Development Fund Account No. UR03390000 to the appropriate subaccount for the purpose of providing one-third of the local match for a grant to extend bus service along Canal Street in the Menomonee Valley; and, be it
Further Resolved, That t...
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