The Chair
Resolution relative to the 2003 Capital Improvements Program to provide funds for street lighting work at various locations. (Infrastructure Services Division)
This resolution provides funds for street lighting alterations at various locations in response to lighting needs and paving projects, and it authorizes additional 2003 fund transfers for the general purposes indicated.
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to modify and/or install street lighting at various locations; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Comptroller's Office is authorized and directed to transfer the following amounts from the Street Lighting budget, Account Number ST240030000, to the general purpose sub-accounts indicated, said amounts being a portion of the funds authorized (as shown) for the purpose indicated:
General Engineering
Account Number: ST240030100
Funds Transferred: $164,400
2003 Funds Authorized: $164,400
Substation Repair
Account Number: ST240030200
Funds Transferred: $254,400
2003 Funds Authorized: $254,400
Substation Enclosure Maintenance
Account Number: ST240030300
Funds Transferred: $15,000
2003 Funds Authorized: $15,000
Street Lighting Related to Paving
Account Number: ST240030400
Funds Transferred: $2,682,400
2003 Funds Authorized: $3,182,400
Street and Alley Lighting Conversion
Account Number: ST240030500
Funds Transferred: $245,800
2003 Funds Authorized: $245,800
Remove Overhead Street Lighting
Account Number: ST240030600
Funds Transferred: $57,900
2003 Funds Authorized: $57,900
Remove Series Circuitry
Account Number: ST240030700
Funds Transferred: $707,100
2003 Funds Authorized: $707,100
Pole, Cable and Miscellaneous Replacement
Account Number: ST240030800
Funds Transferred: $231,5...
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