Substitute resolution establishing design guidelines for the Site Plan Review Overlay District as established by Section 295-91.0039 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances and located on the West Side of North Humboldt Boulevard and South of East Vienna Street, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.
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This substitute resolution creates design guidelines that will be used to review site plans for any future expansion or physical changes to that part located within the Site Plan Review Overlay District of the industrial facility.
Whereas, Section 295-83-3-c of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances ("Code") requires the establishment of design guidelines for such an Overlay District; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the following design guidelines are established which will apply to any future expansion of the existing industrial facility:
1. Design parking lots to be consistent with established traffic engineering standards.
2. Screen parking and loading areas to ensure that trucks and other equipment are screened from view to a public street or residential property.
3. Provide a 15-foot setback from any residential property for outdoor storage areas and create a landscape buffer and fencing as required per Code.
4. Only one monument sign not exceeding 32 square feet is permitted.
5. Site illumination shall meet Code requirements and be designed and located in a manner that will not cause glare.
6. Retain an 82-foot wide landscape buffer on the West Side of North Humboldt Boulevard.
7. Blank walls for any future expansion facing North Humboldt Boulevard are not permitted and must be relieved by such elements as windows and openings, recessed portals, pilasters, varying color and texture and architectural details.
8. Construct building walls visible from public streets with the most significan...
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