Resolution authorizing settlement of the lawsuit entitled Ball Corporation and Ball Metal Beverage Container Corp v. Wisconsin Department of Revenue, to cancel real estate taxes levied against a certain parcel on the 2014 and 2015 tax rolls.
This resolution requires the cancellation of taxes because of a decrease in assessment as made by the Wisconsin Tax Appeals Commission of the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, the issuance of checks to the City Treasurer or taxpayer as applicable, and the proper reductions of State Tax Credits by journal entries.
Whereas, An assessment was made against the real estate property known as Tax Key Number 071-00-11-000-2 in the amount of $7,162,800 (Land: $1,153,500 - Improvements: $6,009,300), and 6,594,500 (Land: $1,165,100 - Improvements: $5,429400), for the years 2014 and 2015 respectively, and
Whereas, The Wisconsin Tax Appeals Commission of the Wisconsin Department of Revenue have reached a Settlement Agreement for decreasing the assessments for Tax Key Number 071-00-11-000-2 to $5,078,400 (Land: $1,153,500 - Improvements: $3,924,900), for a reduction of $2,084,400 and 5,129,600 (Land: $1,165,100 - Improvements: $3,964,500), for a reduction of $1,464,900, for the years 2014 and 2015 respectively, and
Whereas, It is further stipulated that Ball Corporation and Ball Metal Beverage Container Corp waives the right to any interest due under Wis. Stat. sec. 70.511(2)(b); now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the proper city officers are authorized and directed to issue a city check in the amount of $105,480.79 payable to the City Treasurer or taxpayer as applicable, to be refunded to the taxpayer where appropriate, from date of payment to date of repayment, said amount to be charged to the 2017 Remission of Taxes Fund, 0001 Org 9990 Program 0001 Sub-class S163 Account 006300 and said c...
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