An ordinance relating to the amendment of the Official Map of the City of Milwaukee.
The adoption of this ordinance will update the Official Map of the City of Milwaukee.
Whereas, The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
There is hereby added to the City of Milwaukee Code a new section to read as follows:
Section 113-32.0118 the Official Map, as mentioned and provided for in Section 113-32, is hereby amended so as to include the following additions as shown in the report on file in the City Clerk's office.
N.E. 1/4 Sec. 34, T.8N., R.21E.
Official Map Atlas Page 189 (maps 1 of 2 and 2 of 2)
1. Pedestrian Way in the block bounded by West Birch Avenue, West Sheridan Avenue, North 60th Street and North 62nd Street. The reclassification of a north-south 40-foot wide pedestrian way to Pedestrian Mall.
2. Pedestrian Way in the block south of West Custer Avenue and west of North 64th Street. The reclassification of a north-south 40-foot wide pedestrian way to Pedestrian Mall.
3. Pedestrian Mall in the block bounded by West Custer Avenue, West Sheridan Avenue, North 64th Street and North 65th Street. The dedication of land for public right-of-way purposes to be classified as Pedestrian Mall.
4. Pedestrian Mall in the block bounded by West Custer Avenue, West Sheridan Avenue, North 65th Street and North 66th Street. The dedication of land for public right-of-way purposes to be classified as Pedestrian Mall.
5. Pedestrian Mall in the block bounded by West Birch Avenue, West Sheridan Avenue, North 66th Street and North 68th Street. The dedication of land for public right-of-way purposes to be classified as Pedestrian Mall.
6. Pedestrian Mall in the block bounded by West Sheridan Avenue, West Silver Spring Drive, North 66th Street and North 68th Street. The dedication of land for public...
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