Resolution authorizing and directing a transfer of funds from the Capital Improvements Advanced Planning Fund to two subaccounts for residential, commercial, and economic development analysis activities and other technical planning studies. (DCD)
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This resolution transfers $61,000 in funds from the Capital Improvements Advanced Planning Fund into two subaccounts: $46,000 into the Planning Studies-Economic Development Subaccount No. 31-612-0028 and $15,000 into the Special Engineering and Technical Studies Subaccount No. 31-612-0041. Each subaccount allocation would provide consultant assistance on studies of housing, commercial and residential developments, and land use as well as other technical planning studies as the need arises.
Whereas, The Department of City Development continues work on neighborhood residential and commercial analysis and development as well as land use policy development; and
Whereas, Technical assistance in these planning activities has often been provided by outside consultants; and
Whereas, Funds are necessary to provide for such consultant services as the need arises; and
Whereas, The current unencumbered balances in the Planning Studies-Economic Development Subaccount and the Special Engineering and Technical Studies Subaccount are insufficient to cover anticipated 1997 needs; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to transfer the amount of $61,000 from the Capital Improvements Advanced Planning Fund, Account No. 31-612-0001, to be allocated to existing subaccounts, Planning Studies-Economic Development, Subaccount No. 31-612-0028, $46,000, and Special Engineering and Technical Studies, Subaccount No. 31-612-0041, $15,000, to be used by the Department of City Development, as the need may arise, to support residential and comm...
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