Resolution authorizing application for a grant under the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Stewardship Local Assistance Program for the purpose of constructing a riverwalk connection between the existing Downtown Riverwalk system and the developing Historic Third Ward Riverwalk. (DPW)
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to apply for a State grant in the amount of $250,000 under the Stewardship Local Assistance Program. The grant would be used to construct a handicap accessible riverwalk connection between the existing Downtown Riverwalk and the Riverwalk being developed in the Historic Third Ward. The grant would have to be matched by the City on a dollar for dollar basis. The City's share could be included in the City's 2004 budget. It is recognized that separate Common Council action will be required to authorize the matching funds and to accept the grant, if approved.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee, in conjunction with Downtown and Historic Third Ward property owners, has developed an extensive Riverwalk system over the last decade; and
Whereas, The Riverwalk system is intended to eventually provide a continuous, handicap accessible walkway from the lakefront to the downtown area and beyond; and
Whereas, The Riverwalk has played an instrumental role in the revitalization of Downtown; and
Whereas, The Downtown Riverwalk and the Riverwalk in the Historic Third Ward have been independently designed and developed; and
Whereas, Available funding for both systems has not allowed the construction of a convenient, handicap accessible connection between the two; and
Whereas, A preliminary design for such a connection has been completed and a rough cost estimate (approximately $500,000) has been prepared; and
Whereas, This connection would be located on the east side of the Milwaukee River between Clybo...
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