A substitute ordinance establishing a multiple trip permit for excessive size, weight and load vehicles requiring a traffic officer escort.
81-80-6 cr
101-5.5-5 rn
101-5.5-5 cr
This ordinance establishes a multiple trip permit for oversize and overload vehicles requiring traffic officer escorts. The permit shall be issued for a period of one month or 2 months. The fee for a one-month permit shall be $305, and the fee for a 2-month permit shall be $355. There shall also be an additional traffic officer escort fee of $120 per vehicle, per trip.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 81-80-6 of the code is created to read:
81-80. Oversize or Overload Vehicle Permit.
6. a. The fee for a multiple trip permit requiring a traffic officer escort shall be:
a-1. For a one-month permit : $305.
a-2. For a 2-month permit: $355.
b. There shall be an additional traffic officer vehicle escort fee of $120 per vehicle, per trip.
Part 2. Section 101-5.5-5 of the code is renumbered 101-5.5-6.
Part 3. Section 101-5.5-5 of the code is created to read:
101-5.5. Excessive Size, Weight and Load Permit.
5. MULTIPLE TRIP PERMIT REQUIRING TRAFFIC OFFICER ESCORT. a. The commissioner of public works may issue a multiple trip permit for any vehicle that is required to have a traffic officer accompany it through the city.
b. The multiple trip permit requiring a traffic officer escort shall be issued for a period of one month or 2 months.
c. A fee shall be paid in accordance with s. 81-80 prior to issuance of the permit.
d. The permittee shall allow adequate time for the city to conduct its review when applying for the permit.
e. A multiple trip permittee requiring a traffic officer escort shall comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, and administrative rules, including the conditions and requirements of a single tr...
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