Resolution authorizing temporary airspace easements with The Edison SPE, LLC and Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. for the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee-owned property at 1027 North Edison Street and the City-owned properties at 1001 North Edison Street and 1001 North Water Street regarding a construction crane’s swing radius over the properties, in the 4th Aldermanic District.
This resolution approves temporary airspace easements between The Edison SPE, LLC, the City of Milwaukee, the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee, and the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. for the properties at 1027 North Edison Street, 1001 North Edison Street, and 1001 North Water Street regarding a construction crane’s swing radius over the properties, in the 4th Aldermanic District.
Whereas, The Edison SPE, LLC, a Madison-based real estate development company (“Developer”), will develop the private property at 1005 North Edison Street into a multi-story residential-commercial project; and
Whereas, as part of that development, the Developer will utilize a construction crane with a swing radius path that moves over the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee-owned property at 1027 North Edison Street and the City-owned properties at 1001 North Edison Street and 1001 North Water Street; and
Whereas, the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. currently leases the City-owned property at 1001 North Water Street and maintains exclusive operation and maintenance rights over the parking structure located at that site; and
Whereas, The Department of City Development (“DCD”) has reviewed the proposed temporary airspace easements and recommends approval of the agreements to facilitate the development of the project; and
Whereas, DCD has reviewed the terms of the proposed temporary airspace easements and recommended approval of same to ...
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