Substitute 1
Substitute ordinance to further amend the 2000 offices and positions in the City Service under control of the Common Council.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 1 of ordinance File Number 990704 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under "Health Department, Administration Decision Unit, Family and Community Health Services", delete one position of "Public Health Nurse Supervisor (X)" and add one position of "Staff Development Coordinator (X)"; under "Pregnancy Outreach Grant", delete two positions of "Public Health Aide (X)"; under "Immunization Action Plan Grant", delete one position of "Network Analyst-Assistant (X)" and add one position of "Public Health Nurse (X)"; under "Prenatal Education and Assessment Program Grant", amend title to "Adolescent School Health Grant" and add three positions of "Public Health Nurse (X)" and one position of "Public Health Educator II (X)"; under "Chronic Disease Division, Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Grant", amend title to "Preventive Health Grant", add one position of "Graduate Intern"; under "Medical Assistance Outreach Grant", add two positions of "Public Health Aide (X)"; one position of "Office Assistant (.5 FTE)" and one position of "Public Health Interpreter Aide (X)"; delete footnote "(T)"; amend footnote "(I)" as follows: "To expire 12/31/00 unless the Preventive Health Grant, available from the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services is extended."; amend footnote "(J)" as follows: "Position authority to expire 12/31/00 unless the Adolescent School Health Grant is extended. Also funds .5 FTE Office Assistant II."; amend footnote "(N)" as follows: "To expire 12/31/00 unless the Medical Assistance Outreach Grant, available from the State of Wisconsin Division of Health and Family Services is extended." ; amend...
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