The Chair
Substitute resolution relating to the preliminary findings of the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin relative to a water rate increase.
This resolution authorizes and directs the Water Works to accept the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin’s proposed revenue requirement that would yield an approximate 6% increase to customers on the sale of water and a 3.3% rate of return to the utility, and authorizes the implementation of the rate increase as soon as practicable after the effective date of the Public Service Commission order.
Whereas, Resolution 060161 authorized a two-step rate increase, the first step of which was a 3.4% increase implemented on September 1, 2006 and the second step of which was initiated on September 15, 2006 with the filing of an application to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin for authority to increase water rates through the full rate review process; and
Whereas, The rate-making process involves the Milwaukee Water Works requesting a specified rate of return from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin performing an audit of utility finances and then assigning rate increases to various classes of customers based on their cost of service study; and
Whereas, Milwaukee Water Works requested a rate of return which is lower than the benchmark of 6.5% in order to mitigate the impact on customers; and
Whereas, The Public Service Commission has reviewed the finances of the Water Works and has preliminarily determined that the Milwaukee Water Works’ request for a 3.3% rate of return would satisfy the revenue requirement for the utility and would translate to an increase of approximately 6% on sales of water to Milwaukee retail and wholesale customers; and
Whereas, Resolution 060161 resolved that the water rates recommended by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin be sub...
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