Resolution rescinding award of contract to Wenger Construction Incorporated (Campbellsport, WI) and instead accepting the bid of and awarding a contract to Roofed Right America LLC (Milwaukee, WI) for Thermoplastic-Polyolefin (TPO) Roofing for Building 3.1 (Westlawn Renaissance V) at Westlawn Gardens Phase 2 in an amount not to exceed $418,248.00 (Official Notice 58035)
WHEREAS, Travaux Inc. solicited sealed bids by Official Notice Number 58035 during the period October 29, 2021 through December 3, 2021 for Thermoplastic-Polyolefin (TPO) Roofing for Building 3.1 (Westlawn Renaissance V) at Westlawn Gardens Phase 2; and
WHEREAS, two sealed bids were received by the deadline of 2:00 PM (CST) on December 3, 2021; and
WHEREAS, the sealed bids were received and publicly opened on December 3, 2021, during which the bidding procedure was conducted in compliance with the requirements of local, state, and federal regulations; and
WHEREAS, Wenger Construction Inc., was awarded a contract based on its bid of $413,669.00, considered the lowest responsive and responsible bid at the time; and
WHEREAS, Wenger Construction Inc. subsequently notified Travaux Inc. that it had made significant errors in calculating its original bid amount, would stand to lose a considerable sum on the job if held to the original bid amount, could not honor the original bid amount and absorb the loss, and consequently requested to withdraw its bid; and
WHEREAS, the next lowest bidder, Roofed Right America LLC, a qualified and competent bidder, expressed interest in taking on the work and confirmed that it would honor its original bid amount of $418,248.00; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of Travaux Inc. that it hereby rescinds the contract award to Wenger Construction Inc. and instead authorizes and approves accepting the bid of and entering into a contract with Roofed Right America L...
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