An ordinance pertaining to the grade on various streets in the City of Milwaukee. (Infrastructure Services Div.)
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An ordinance pertaining to the grade on various streets in the City of Milwaukee.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
To establish and/or alter and establish the grade or elevation of the following streets assuming as a base the level of the Milwaukee River as it was in the month of March, 1836 A.D. Said grade between the points mentioned is to be on a straight line drawn from point to point.
1. On the curbs on West Arrow Street from South Pearl Street to South Muskego Avenue.
At the west line of South Pearl Street - 57.50
At the east line of South Muskego Avenue - 52.50
2. On the curbs on North Bremen Street from East North Avenue to East Center Street.
East Curb:
At the north line of East North Avenue - 101.40
At a point 100 feet north of the last named point - 104.40
At the south line of East Meinecke Avenue - 97.60
At the north line of East Meinecke Avenue - 96.80
At the south line of East Wright Street - 94.00
At the north line of East Wright Street - 94.25
At a point 300 feet north of the last named point - 95.80
At the south line of East Clarke Street - 98.70
At the north line of East Clarke Street - 99.50
At the south line of East Center Street - 102.50
West Curb:
At a point 600 feet south of the south line of East Meinecke Avenue - 103.00
At a point 90 feet north of the last named point - 104.70
At the south line of East Meinecke Avenue - 98.20
At the north line of East Meinecke Avenue - 97.90
At the south line of East Wright Street - 94.00
At the north line of East Wright Street - 94.30
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