3/2/1998 | 0 |
Minutes note: Receive
Change to position ord. | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
2/23/1998 | 0 |
| Missing Action(to be renamed)
Minutes note: Ald. Frank moved approval of this plan as outlined in the communication file, in principle, with the understanding that DPW will seek Common Council authorization during the next Council cycle for contingent borrowing, through submission of a resolution for introduction at the February 26 special Council meeting, in the amount of $3.8 million necessary for expansion of the Lincoln Yards Tow facility, for approval by the Finance and Personnel Committee at a special meeting to be held prior to approval by the Common Council at its March 3 meeting.
Ald. Frank further moved:
1. That 7 additional City of Milwaukee positions be created and funded in the Department of Public Works to support the increased activity of the two facility expansion.
2. That DPW be directed to submit monthly written progress reports to the Common Council regarding this expansion project.
3. That due to the critical timing of this expansion, that the CPW be authorized to begin the activities necessary to implement this project including interviews for new positions; preparation and execution of various contracts for material removal and incinerator demolition at the tow lot site, towing services, and any other agreements that are needed to commence before March 20, 1998, to ensure timely implementation of this project.
4. That all of the aforementioned activities be effectuated from currently budgeted parking funds with reimbursement to be made from the contingent borrowing proceeds to be approved by the Council on March 3.
5. That the 1998 Positions Ordinance be amended to add the following positions to the Department of Public Works, Tow Lot Section:
3 Tow Lot Attendants, Pay Grade 220
2 Office Assistant III's, Pay Grade 425
1 Tractor Operator, Pay Grade 956
1 Accounting Assistant II, Pay Grade 445
6. That an ordinance be drafted for introduction at the March 3 Common Council meeting to establish new vehicle towing/storage fees: $75 for towing; $10 per day storage.
7. That a resolution to approve this plan and expand the City tow lot be introducted for Immediate Adoption at the March 3 Common Council meeting.
Ald. Frank further moved that this communication file, as well as a copy of his motion, be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee.
The motion prevailed. | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
2/18/1998 | 0 |
| Missing Action(to be renamed) | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available