Resolution directing the Election Commission of the City of Milwaukee to provide, on the spring general election ballot, April 4, 2006, an advisory referendum seeking approval to seek introduction and passage of state legislation enabling cities of the first class to enact forms of alternative funding for the purpose of financing public safety services and essential infrastructure projects.
This resolution directs the Election Commission of the City of Milwaukee to provide, on the spring general election ballot, April 4, 2006, an advisory referendum seeking introduction and passage of state legislation enabling cities of the first class to enact forms of alternative funding for the purpose of financing public safety services and essential infrastructure projects.
Whereas, Public safety in the city of Milwaukee is among the highest priorities for maintaining tranquility, security and a positive quality of life for the citizens; and
Whereas, An adequate number of police officers is essential for assuring that the City meet its public safety requirements; and
Whereas, The decrease in inflation-adjusted state shared revenue to the city of Milwaukee in recent years, as well as limits imposed upon the city by the state relating to increases in the property tax levy, have created challenges in providing and funding public safety services at levels desired by the citizens of Milwaukee, and
Whereas, The current property tax burden is an impediment to creating a competitive environment, especially in relationship to other cities with whom the city of Milwaukee vies for business and economic development; and
Whereas, Infrastructure throughout the city is essential and the repair and renewal of the city’s infrastructure requires continuous funding; and
Whereas, The same limitations upon the property tax levy have impacted and challenged the City’s ability to provide the leve...
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